Friday, June 12, 2020

Daily Log

May 2020

23rd: First day of Medicine postings, handover and briefing of the cases was done with the previous batch interns. 
24th: Sunday- went for rounds with unit PG. Gave dressing for a grade 1 bedsore. Learned how to make SOAP notes. 
25th: Learned how to insert a Foley's catheter in a female patient. Observed and learned how to put Ryles tube. 
26th: First OP day. An interesting case of a young male with quadriparesis was admitted. Did CNS examination and studied examination of power in mucles of the limbs. 
27th: Learned how to take an arterial sample for ABG and venous blood sample. Learned about metabolic acidosis and treatment. 
28th: Discussion about gastroenteritis and AKI, effects of NSAIDs on kidneys. 
29th: discussion of possible treatments and efficacy of treatments for AIDP. Planning next course of action for CNS patient. 
30th: Learned about nerve conduction studies and nerve biopsy. Discussion about thrombocytopenia in relation to gastroenteritis. 
31st: Sunday- read about GBS and its variants, and treatment.


1st: icu duty, discharges of patients. Learned about drugs causing thrombocytopenia. 
2nd: amc night duty. Discussion of possible causes of severe hypokalemia. 
3rd: Learned about ECG changes and observed them in ecgs of hypokalemia patient, learned about hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Observed ascitic tap in CKD patient. 
4th: Submitted E-log. Discussed about the efficacy of steroids in inflammatory diseases of nerves. 
5th: discussion about pancytopenia in HIV and necessity for bone marrow biopsy to determine cause. Monitored blood transfusion for a patient. Learned about transfusion reactions. 
6th: Discussion of treatment for diabetes in a hypokalemic patient. Counseling of patient for appropriate diet in view of both conditions. 
7th: First day of Nephrology duty. Monitored patients on dialysis. Learned about haemodialysis. 
8th: Took patient for surgery referral due to abscess formation at site of i.v. cannula. One patient developed sudden severe SOB, and saturation was rapidly falling. Patient did not respond to Oxygen supplementation, hence he was shifted to dialysis unit and bag and mask ventilation was given until saturation was raised to a sufficient level to attempt intubation. 
Observed and learned Intubation. 
After intubation, CPAP machine was connected to the ET tube and saturation maintained. Constant monitoring was required until extubation was done. 
9th: Follow up with patient who was intubated. Observed Lumbar Puncture procedure and ultrasound guided ascitic tap. 
10th: First day of Psychiatry posting. Learned about SSRI, SNRIs, TCAs. Learned about schizophrenia. 
11th: Saw a patient of General Anxiety Disorder. Learned about positive and negative symptoms.
12th: Learned about Dementia and depression. 
13th: Read about psychiatric disorders caused by metabolic disorders. 
14th: Learned about Dementia and Depression. 
15th: Saw patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and alcohol withdrawal. 
16th: Unit 2 OP duty. We had a patient presenting with severe acute chest pain since early that morning. Serial ECGs showed evolving MI. Unfortunately patient's attenders wanted to leave against medical advise. I and a co-intern had night duty. Observed procedure of establishing Central Line for a patient requiring dialysis. Learned how to obtain venous and arterial blood samples and how to give injections via IV catheter. 
17th: Saw a case of domestic abuse PTSD now showing dissociative disorder. 
18th: Saw a case of schizophrenia having 3rd person delusions, paranoia.
19th: Saw a case of Catatonia. Patient presented with rigidity, slow speech and decreased responsiveness. Complaints from family of hallucinations. 
20th: Saw case of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. A case of Dissociative disorder presented in casuality unconscious with pseudoseizures. 
21st: Read about Diuretic drugs, uses, mode of action, and side effects.
22nd: Learned about kidney function, specifically drugs which are nephrotoxic, effect of NSAIDs on kidneys. 
23rd: OP duty. Admitted 2 patients; CVA and GE cases. Detailed history and examination was done after admission of patients. I had night duty as well. Inserted Ryles tube for ICU patient.  
24th: admitted 2 emergency cases, a patient presenting with tachycardia and another patient with acute abdominal pain. 
25th: Learned about adenosine drug. Learned BISAP scoring for necrotizing pancreatitis. GE case patient was relieved with antibiotics and discharged. 
26th: Took patient for HRCT, but it appeared the patient may have an allergic reaction to the contrast material hence patient did not consent to HRCT. Normal CT was done in which enlarged head of pancress was seen. Acute pancreatitis was suspected. 1 patient was discharged. 
27th: 2 patients were relieved and discharged. Read about treatment for acute pancrestitis. Examined a case of pericardial effusion. 
28th: Read about Staphylococcal aureus. Read about effects of Uremia. 
29th: Read about heart blocks, and the ecg findings. 
30th: OP day, admitted 2 patients- hypertensive emergency, secondary cushings. Emergnecy case in casuality, 


1st: Discussion about the secondary cushings patient, who seemingly developed features of cushings syndrome due to topical steroids. 
2nd: Hypertensive patient was taken to neurology OP for opinion regarding bilateral lower limb tingling and numbness. MRI dorsal spine was done. Observed a therapeutic pleural tap. 
3rd: collected reports of our patients, learned about torsades de pointes. Discussion regarding the hypertensive patient, as he had bilateral lower limb weakness and tingling sensation, which points to diagnosis other than TIA. 
4th: Discharged a patient. Had technical work of preparing cases with all the relative aids (videos and pictures) for the PG exams. 
5th: Studied about pulmonary hypertension. 
6th: Studied pericardial effusion and its clinical findings and treatment. 
7th: OP day. Saw an anemia patient, heard diastolic murmur. Saw a Patient with severe limb ischemia, so much pain that he required morphine, which is not available in our hospital. Hypoglycemia patient and a heart failure patient were admitted. 
8th: Took patient for orthopedics referral due to complaints of knee pain. They requested xray, so took patient for xray. The patient had tall T-waves on ecg, and slightky elevated potassium levels, hence 2D-echo was done, but no abnormalities were found.
9th: patient was taken to cect, with bowel preparation done. 
10th: Read about heart failure, and different types of pulses seen in heart failure.
11th: Took patient for chest xray and reporting of xray. 
12th: read about pneumonia, how to diagnose and xray findings, treatment. 
13th: collected CT report of patient. Learned about Shone complex and treatment of heart failure. 
14th: OP day. Very dull as patients were few, and unwilling to get admitted. 
15th: Learned about Circle of Willis.
16th: Learned the areas of brain and how to locate effected areas based on symptoms.
17th: Read about Uremic Encephalopathy in CKD patients.
18th: Discussed about Malaria, and the differences between textbook findings and in reality presentation.
19th: Read about Cholera and mechanism of action of its toxin in causing diarrhea.
20th: Read about Dengue and other causes of platelet deficiencies.
21st: OP day. Admitted 5 patients. One pancreatitis, heart failure, dengue suspect, and CVA case. One was a returning patient with CIDP. 
22nd: Last day of Medicine postings. Took pancreatitis patient for CECT. Report confirmed acute pancreatitis. Briefed the next batch interns of the cases in our unit. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Medicine Intern Log

Hello everyone, I am a medical intern, and recently started my Medicine posting. This blog is to share my experience and the cases I come across during this period.

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.


An 18 year old male patient came with complaints of tingling and numbness of both feet since 15 days, and both hands since 6 days.

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back, then when he had gone out to wash his feet, he noticed he could not feel the sensation of water flow. It was sudden in onset and gradually progressed up to the knee joint bilaterally. Followed by edema of both feet which was sudden in onset and gradually progressive, and increased on walking, and decreased on rest. Edema then subsided after 3 days without medication. 
Gradually he had difficulty wearing chappal since 10 days, which progressed to difficulty in climbing the stairs since 8 days, and difficulty squatting since 6 days. 
Later upper limbs also became involved, with an electric shock like sensation in both hands, distal muscle hand weakness since 5 days, and proximal hand weakness since 5 days. It was gradually progressive, and strength improved since 2 days. At the time he presented to the hospital, he was unable to walk or stand without support, unable to eat by himself, button his shirt, or comb his hair.

Neck muscle is normal
Rolling over on bed is normal
No h/o breathing difficulty
No diurnal variations
Limbs are flaccid and loose

No wasting/ thinning of muscle
No h/o pain, fatigue, muscle cramps, fasciculations, twitching of muscles, or involuntary movements.
He is able to feel cloth
Able to differentiate hot and cold water

He is having numbness, and sense of walking on cotton wool
No root pain, neck pain, back pain or band-like sensation.

No h/o vomiting, fever, loose stools, diarrhoea, sore throat, cough, chest pain, loss of consciousness, speech disturbances, delusions, or hallucinations.
No giddiness or palpitations.
Bowel and bladder intact.
no h/o DM, HTN, Epilepsy, CVA, TB, Thyroid
Sleep is normal.
No h/o smoking or alcohol intake. 

General examination:
Patient is c/c/c and oriented.
Moderately built and nourished
Pallor- absent
Icterus -absent
No cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy
Temp- afebrile
BP: 100/70 mm hg
PR: 54 bpm
CVS: s1 s2 heard, no murmurs
P/A: soft, non tender

Speech: normal
Cranial nerves , motor and sensory systems- intact
No cerebellar signs

Motor examination:

                                   Right                  Left
Inspection                    N                       N
Palpation                      N                      N

UL                            Decreased       Decreased
LL                            Decreased       Decreased

Neck muscle             Good                  Good

Upper Limb- Shoulder: 
Flexion                        5/5                    5/5
Extension                    5/5                    5/5
Lateral rotaion           5/5                    5/5
Medial rotation          5/5                    5/5
Abduction                   5/5                    5/5
Adduction                   5/5                    5/5

Flexion (biceps)         5/5                    5/5
Extension (triceps)    5/5                    5/5

Muscles of forearm and wrist joint:
Ex. Carpi radialis      4/5                    4/5
Ex. Carpi ulnaris       4/5                    4/5
Ex. Digitorum            0/5                    0/5
Fl. Carpi radialis       0/5                    0/5
Fl. Carpi ulnaris        0/5                    0/5
Ex. pollicis brevis      0/5                   0/5
Ex. Pollicis longus     0/5                    0/5
Fl. Pollicis longus      0/5                    0/5
Abductor pollicis       0/5                   0/5
Adductor pollicis       0/5                   0/5
Opponens pollicis     0/5                    0/5
Lumbricals and
Interossius                 0/5                   0/5

Lower Limb:
Ilio psoas                    4/5                  4/5
Gluteus max.             5/5                  5/5
Adductor femoris      4/5                 4/5
Hamstrings                3/5                  3/5
Quadriceps                 4/5                 4/5
Tibialis ant.                0/5                 0/5
Tibialis post.               0/5                0/5
Peroneii                      4/5                 4/5
Gastrocnemius          4/5                  4/5
Ex. Digitorum L.        0/5                 0/5
Fl. Digitorum L.         0/5                 0/5
Ex. Hallucis L.           0/5                  0/5

Abdominal                  +                     +
Cremasteric                 +                     +

Deep tendon reflexes:
Biceps:                          -                      -
Triceps:                        -                      -
Supinator:                    -                      -
Knee:                             -                     -
Ankle:                           -                      -
Plantar:                       m                    m
Crude touch                 +                     +
Pain                              +                     +
Temp.                            +                     + 
Fine touch                    -                      -
Vibration                      -                      -
Position                       -                         -

Videos of tone in this patient:

Reflexes in this patient:

Diagnosis: ?GBS Acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy

Investigations :

Hb.- 14.2 gm/dl
TLC- 6700 cells/cumm
Neutrophils- 60%
Lymphocytes- 27%
Eosinophils- 6%
Monocytes- 7%
Basophils- 0%
PCV- 40.3
MCV- 85.1
MCH- 29.9
MCHC- 35.1
RDW- CV- 14.5
RDW-SD- 47.4
RBC count- 4.74
Platelets- 2.52
Smear- normocytic normochromic RBCs

Urea- 30 mg/dl
Creatinine- 0.8 mg/dl
Calc.- 10.3 mg/dl
Phosph.- 5.4 mg/dl
Sod.- 141 mEq/L
Pot.- 4.1 mEq/L
Chloride- 100 mEq/L
RBS- 74 mg/dl

Total Bilirubin- 1.14 mg/ dl
Direct bilirubin- 0.56 mg/dl
Alk. Phosphate- 305 IU/L
Total Proteins- 7.7 gm/dl
Albumin- 4.59 gm/dl
A/G- 1.48

HIV rapid test- negative
HCV- negative
HbsAg- negative

Tab Pan 40 mg OD
Monitor BP PR RR

Planning: Nerve conduction studies and review literature on biopsy in AIDP.

Observing the patient, there was no progression of symptoms. 
Over the next 2 days, this patient showed some improvement. He became able to walk slowly without support. His RR did not increase, suggesting respiratory muscles are also intact. 

Vidoe of his gait:

        We know that the pathology is in the nerves, specifically the peripheral nerves, but it is not clear which part of the nerve is involved (axon/ myelin sheath), or to what extent.  

The patient was sent for Nerve Conduction Studies to learn a little more about his condition.

The study was done, but came as not recordable, which suggested severe axonal damage. 
The report suggested Acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy. 

We contemplated a nerve biopsy next, but as it would not effect the treatment, and thus an unnecessary expense, it was not done. 

Advice at discharge: 
1. Physiotherapy of all 4 limbs
2. Tab. B-complex OD

Majority of patients with GBS gradually improve on their own to a large extent if not fully. As this patient is already showing some improvement, we have hope that he will have a good recovery. 

Follow up after 2 weeks:
Patient showed slight improvement in hand muscles. Gait and power also showed improvement.